Sunday, July 1, 2012


--Hiked up to Sokehs Rock, which was beautiful, on Saturday.  I'd put up photos (I actually took some!) but the IPod is at home.

--Model school, kind of a practice-teaching deal, began today, and my coteacher (a woman from Madolenimw named Kasmery) and I work together like Simon & Garfunkel.  If you don't know what that means then I feel bad for you.

--Shaved my beard!  Nohno says I look like a little boy now.  Apparently when she first met me she thought I was roughly 45 years old though, so I'll take it I guess.

--Training is still crazy but I'm getting more used to it.  Crucially, I have gotten to where I can take incredibly cold showers without screaming.  Gavrin's baby, 4 months old, is adorable.  Two trainees announced that they were leaving today, which is hard, but I'm still confident that we can hold fast and keep the rest of the group together for 2 years.

--Listening to my American music again for the first time since I've been here.  Still good!  I also found a place to get yogurt which is unspeakably cool.

Gonna get out of here.  There'll be more soon, I swear!



  1. How many cars are there?
    What's the best way you've eaten so far?
    What time is break time?
    Who's the most local person you've met?
    Why do you do it?

  2. Incredible questions, Bill! Answers:

    1.) Yes.
    2.) February crab splash.
    3.) Usually unfettered, but not if it's still growling.
    4.) Samson


    5.) For the children.

    1. I feel enlightened. And I feel the need to write you a letter to keep your karmic vehicle running.
